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  • Homes for Lambeth

    We developed a governance structure, financial options, and a business plan for Homes for Lambeth

    Project overview

    The London Borough of Lambeth sought to establish a council-owned housing company to reach ambitious targets for building new social rented housing. PRD initially advised on organisational structuring, delivery strategy and programme management options; undertook extensive engagement and education with councillors, officers, and other stakeholders; liaised with tax, accounting, and legal advisors to test the robustness of the proposed structure against Homes for Lambeth’s (HfL) development goals; helped establish a company Board; and supported the Board to consider messaging and opportunities to meet wider council objectives.

    Since Cabinet approved PRD’s recommendation to establish HfL as a wholly-owned company with a group structure and the detailed governance proposals, we have continued to support HfL at the Board, executive and wider stakeholder levels. With partners , PRD has carried out business and resource planning, co-ordinated legal advice on loans and financing, prepared documents for the Regulator of Social Housing, and developed agreements between the council and HfL.

    Project details

    • Client
      LB Lambeth
    • Project Lead
      Daniel Partridge
    • Type
      Delivery Strategy, Partnership Structure
  • Invest Northern Ireland

    We established joint venture models for delivering affordable workspace on behalf of Invest Northern Ireland

    Project overview

    Together with Hatch, PRD supported Invest Northern Ireland to explore and develop a range of structured joint venture models to co-ordinate investment into Local Enterprise Agencies (LEAs) across Northern Ireland with the aim of delivering affordable workspace.

    Working closely with Invest Northern Ireland and in consultation with a broad selection of LEAs, PRD analysed the barriers to and opportunities for delivery, then tested several new models and approaches for delivery through client consultation.

    PRD proposed innovative delivery models with new, active stakeholder roles for local and national government alongside the LEAs. The models made best use of the resources, property assets, skills and powers of each party to deliver locally-tailored workspace.

    Project details

    • Client
      Invest Northern Ireland
    • Project Lead
      Daniel Partridge
    • Type
      Funding & Investment Plan, Partnership Structure
  • Limerick Colbert Regeneration

    We provided socioeconomic insight and a delivery strategy for one of Ireland’s biggest regeneration sites

    Project overview

    Limerick Colbert is a large regeneration site at the edge of Limerick city centre with capacity for more than 2500 homes and 112,500 m² of retail and workspace, which will support anticipated 50% population growth by 2040. For Ireland’s Land Development Agency, the site is an opportunity to set a standard for public development in the country.

    Working as part of a multidisciplinary team of architects and planners, PRD supplied a socioeconomic baseline, reviewing local demographics, the current housing and employment space markets, and inward investment to inform a masterplan for Limerick Colbert.

    To ensure the masterplan can be delivered on this complex, multi-landowner site, PRD co-ordinated a landowner workshop and developed a delivery strategy which sets out a proposed joint venture structure, financing options, and delivery priorities.

    Project details

    • Client
      Land Development Agency via C+W O’Brien Architects
    • Project Lead
      Barney Cringle
    • Type
      Partnership Structure, Data & Evidence
  • Worthing Joint Venture

    We developed an innovative Public-Public Partnership between London & Continental Railways and Worthing Borough Council

    Project overview

    PRD supported London and Continental Railways and Worthing Borough Council in designing, structuring and launching an innovative public-public partnership focused on development and regeneration.

    The partnership will initially focus on promoting and realising development on several publicly owned but previously stalled town centre sites. Development of the sites will help realise the council’s vision for the town centre.

    We subsequently provided further development management and commercial support to mobilise the partnership.

    Project details

    • Client
      London & Continental Railways
    • Project Lead
      Martin Woodhouse
    • Type
      Delivery Strategy, Partnership Structure