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  • Thames Road delivery strategy

    We helped Be First develop a vision for how the regeneration of an industrial area can be delivered while supporting existing businesses

    Project overview

    Be First commissioned PRD to develop a delivery strategy for Thames Road, an area of former Strategic Industrial Land that has been de-designated and allocated for mixed-use regeneration. The area is projected to deliver 3,000 to 4,000 homes in the future, alongside a large amount of industrial space, presenting delivery challenges.

    We helped Be First think about how it can use its land holdings to leverage value and influence the delivery of adjacent parcels in order to realise the regeneration vision at Thames Road. We undertook a thorough review of the Council’s property portfolio at Thames Road, alongside high-level capacity modelling and a review of industrial co-location and intensification precedents.

    PRD produced a high-level delivery strategy and follow-on commercial advice around the viability of industrial intensification to shape Be First’s thinking. The client recommissioned us to do a follow-on piece of work engaging with businesses and communities at Thames Road to understand their needs and future aspirations to inform thinking around decant and retention/relocation.


    Project details

    • Client
      Be First
    • Project Lead
      Martin Woodhouse
    • Type
      Delivery Strategy