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  • LB Newham Covid-19 Support

    We are providing ongoing support for LB Newham to recover from Covid-19 by focusing on community wealth building

    Project overview

    PRD has an ongoing relationship with LB Newham across several workstreams. For example, we developed a comprehensive evidence base for the council’s inclusive economy strategy, which is formed around community wealth building principles. Community wealth building is an economic development approach that redirects wealth and the gains of economic growth back to local neighbourhoods and people.

    In response to Covid-19, throughout which Newham’s residents were among the hardest-hit in the country, the council commissioned PRD to expand the strategy to a wider recovery and reorientation plan, which has formed the basis of the borough’s new Corporate Plan.

    We have also undertaken research on the impacts of Covid-19 throughout Newham, supported development of a new affordable workspace programme, delivered data training for officers, established a measurement framework for the Corporate Plan and other strategies, and provided socioeconomic data to support masterplanning in areas including Stratford, Canning Town, and Custom House.

    Project details

    • Client
      LB Newham
    • Project Lead
      Barney Cringle
    • Type
      Inclusive Economy, Asset Strategy, Monitoring & Evaluation, Data & Evidence