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  • Gravesham regeneration vision

    We developed a regeneration vision with Gravesham Borough Council looking ahead to 2040

    Project overview

    We worked with Gravesham Borough Council to help direct the council’s regeneration vision up to 2040. This involved the production of an up to date social, economic and environmental evidence base to demonstrate intra-borough inequalities, particularly around health and wellbeing.

    Using evidence of challenges facing local communities, we worked with officers at the council across housing, open spaces, regeneration and economic development to develop the outcomes they wish to achieve as council-wide ambitions. This Theory of Change process allowed the council to think more holistically about the roadmap to delivering change for the borough’s residents and businesses, and the outcomes of the exercise will inform the council’s future regeneration strategy and case-making over the coming decades.

    The Gravesham 2040 vision document is available to read on the council’s website.

    Project details

    • Client
      Gravesham Borough Council
    • Project Lead
      Victoria Smyth
    • Type
      Inclusive Economy, Data & Evidence